
Dua Lipa, nueva embajadora de Unicef, visita a varios niños refugiados

Dua Lipa se ha convertido en la nueva embajadora de UNICEF

Dua Lipa, nueva embajadora de Unicef, visita a varios niños refugiados
Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa es, sin duda, una de las cantantes del momento puesto que sus canciones no paran de sonar en todas las listas de éxitos musicales. Pero esta vez, hemos podido ver otra faceta de la cantante de ‘Kiss and Make up’ que nada tiene que ver con la música.

Y es que Dua Lipa es la nueva embajadora de UNICEF y, por ese motivo, hemos podido verla realizando diversas actividades benéficas. De esta manera, hemos podido conocer que la cantante no solo está comprometida con la música, sino también con las causas sociales.

Su último viaje como embajadora ha sido al Líbano, donde ha visitado un campamento para niños refugiados. A través de su cuenta de Instagram, hemos podido ver cómo Dua Lipa ha tenido la oportunidad de conocer a varios niños cuya situación ha conseguido emocionarla, ya que estos pequeños viven en situaciones de lo más precarias.

La artista ha explicado que la experiencia le ha servido para abrir los ojos. Sin lugar a dudas, este viaje le ha enseñado la necesitad de remarcar que todos tenemos los mismos derechos.

La intérprete de ‘New Rules’ ha subido varios post a Instagram donde explica lo importante que ha sido para ella esta experiencia.

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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“He tenido una experiencia totalmente reveladora en el Líbano al estar los últimos tres días trabajando con UNICEF, reuniéndonos con los niños refugiados en los programas y desarrollando actividades para los jóvenes. En particular, quiero hablar en nombre de aquellos refugiados, ya que siento que tengo una conexión personal con las personas que se adaptan a cualquier circunstancia tras un conflicto”, aseguró Dua Lipa.

También expresaba que ningún niño debería vivir lejos de su hogar. Tanto ellos como su familia tienen sueños y merecen un lugar en el que puedan vivir sin conflicto alguno que ponga en peligro sus vidas. ¡Muy bien dicho!

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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“Ningún familiar o niño debería abandonar su hogar. Todos tienen sueños. Todos ellos merecen igualdad y un lugar para poder vivir, aprender y alcanzar su máximo potencia. Los niños son nuestro futuro y tendremos que cuidarlos”, explicó la intérprete.

Junto a este texto, Lipa ha subido multitud de fotos a su Instagram donde podemos verla rodeada de los niños de este campamento de refugiados, con los que como ha explicado ha sentido una fuerte conexión.

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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Dua Lipa se suma a la larga lista de famosos que colaboran con UNICEF como Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, David Beckham, Shakira o Ricky Martin.

Lo último en HappyFM

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