Looking to boost your core strength without spending hours at the gym? This 30-minute yoga routine is designed to target your abs, obliques, spine, and hip flexors, all while improving your balance and focus. Core strength is essential, not just for those dreamy abs but for better posture and stability.
This flow uses dynamic poses that stretch and strengthen your muscles in different ways, building endurance and flexibility. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned yogi, grab your mat and get ready to sweat!
The core-strengthening yoga routine, step by step
- Forearm cat and cow: Start on your forearms instead of your palms. With elbows under your shoulders, inhale to drop your belly and lift your gaze, and exhale to round your back, pulling your navel toward your spine.
- Sphinx pose: Move onto your belly and prop yourself up on your forearms. Pull your chest forward while keeping your shoulders down. To deepen the stretch, bend one knee and reach back with your hand to pull your heel toward your glute.
- Hovering tabletop to plank: Start in a tabletop pose, then tuck your toes under and lift your knees slightly off the ground so your shins are hovering a few inches above the mat. Straighten your legs to plank, then return to the hover. Repeat five times, finishing in a downward-facing dog.
- Three-legged dog to plank crunch: Lift one leg toward the ceiling. Bend your knee, open your hip, then crunch forward to bring your knee toward your nose. Return to three-legged dog and repeat three times. Switch sides.
- Modified side plank with crunch: Lower one knee for a modified side plank. Reach your top arm overhead, then crunch to bring your elbow and knee together. Do five reps on each side.
- Low lunge to warrior 2: Step one foot forward into a low lunge, sinking your hips to stretch the hip flexors. From there, move into warrior 2 by straightening your back leg and extending your arms. Hold for a few breaths, then transition to triangle pose to stretch your side body.
- Cobra pose: Lower to the mat and press into your hands, lifting your chest for cobra pose. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and engage your back. Repeat three times, lifting higher with each breath.
- Side plank with tree pose variation: Go to full side plank, balancing on one arm and foot. If you can, bring your top foot to your inner thigh in tree pose and hold for several breaths.
- L sits: Sit cross-legged with your palms on blocks or the floor. Press into your hands, lifting your hips and possibly your legs off the ground.
- Bridge pose: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet flat. Push through your heels to lift your hips into bridge pose.
- Banana pose: Lie on your back and curve your body into a crescent shape by shifting your legs and shoulders to one side. Feel the stretch and relax. Switch sides after a few breaths.
- Happy baby: Grab the outer edges of your feet, bringing your knees toward your chest. Rock gently side to side for a soothing lower-back release.
- Savasana: End with savasana, lying flat on your back and relaxing completely. Take a few minutes to enjoy the benefits of your practice and connect with your breath.
In just 30 minutes, this yoga sequence helps you build core strength, stretch tight muscles, and improve focus. Stick with it, and you’ll start feeling stronger and more balanced. Roll out your mat and get started today!