TikTok user takes on 30-day carnivore diet challenge: You won’t believe the results

What happens when you eat nothing but meat for 30 days? This is what a TikTok user decided to find out by committing to a strict carnivore diet. This extreme challenge, designed to cut body fat and boost muscle, has been gaining popularity online. But as this user found out, the results weren’t all positive.

To fully understand the results of his experiment, he compared his data before and after the challenge with a health expert. The focus wasn’t just on physical transformation, but on his overall health and discovering a diet that worked best for his body. While there were some visible changes, the blood tests revealed a more complex story.

Carnivore diet challenge: the results

The physical transformation was undeniable. The TikToker managed to drop his body fat percentage from 11.3% to 8.6% in just 30 days and he also gained some muscle. On the outside, it seemed like the carnivore diet was a huge success.

However, the inside told a different tale. Blood tests revealed a spike in cholesterol levels. “As expected, your cholesterol went up”, noted his health expert, Dr. Soofian from Hortman Clinics. While some cholesterol increase was expected due to the diet’s heavy reliance on animal fats, the jump was significant and should be considered before trying these types of diets.

The biggest surprise was related to the testosterone levels. Starting the challenge with 1,027 nanograms per deciliter, the user’s testosterone dropped to 826, making a decrease of about 200 nanograms in just a month. “I thought it would increase”, he admitted, shocked by the results. Despite the mixed outcomes, the user expressed gratitude for completing the challenge and he credited Dr. Soofian for monitoring his health and ensuring he stayed safe throughout the process.

While he said he felt fantastic during the month, there were also intense cravings. It’s important to note that not everything outside the carnivore diet is bad for the body. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and even healthy fats play crucial roles in providing essential nutrients that meat alone can’t offer. While cutting out processed snacks and junk food is a positive step, eliminating all non-meat foods might not be the healthiest long-term approach. Balance is key when it comes to sustainable and effective nutrition.

This 30-day carnivore diet challenge highlights the risks and rewards of extreme dietary experiments. While the visible results were interesting, the internal health impacts warn us to approach this type of diet with caution. For anyone considering a similar challenge, make sure to always consult a healthcare professional.

As the TikToker said, he learned a lot about his body and developed more discipline, but he is happy the challenge is over and is eager to return to a balanced lifestyle. Would you try a diet this extreme?