Here’s what happens to your kidneys if you eat tangerines every day, experts say

Tangerines are one of the most popular fruits, known for their refreshing taste and high vitamin C content. However, behind its healthy appearance, this fruit can bring unexpected consequences, especially if consumed in high quantities.

How does the potassium in tangerines affect the kidneys?

Tangerines are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, but they also contain certain levels of potassium. This mineral is essential for important functions, but when the body accumulates too much, it can pose a risk, especially for people with kidney problems. The kidneys, by filtering waste and excess minerals from the body, play a crucial role in controlling blood potassium levels.

For those with normal kidney function, consuming one or two tangerines a day does not usually pose a risk. However, specialists suggest that people with kidney failure should limit their intake of fruits high in potassium, including tangerines.

When the kidneys cannot eliminate excess potassium, it accumulates in the blood, which could lead to arrhythmias and even, in the most severe cases, a heart attack.

Although tangerines offer valuable nutrients, the potassium and natural sugar content can have negative effects in some cases. So what happens when we consume tangerines on a daily basis?

How many tangerines can you safely consume?

While for most people one tangerine a day can be a healthy addition to their diet, consuming this fruit in large quantities could lead to undesirable effects. The general recommendation for people without health problems is to enjoy this fruit in moderation, without risk.

In the case of those with kidney problems, experts recommend limiting consumption to one mandarin a day or even less, depending on the personalized medical recommendation. This precaution is necessary because, although tangerines are not the fruit with the highest potassium content, excessive consumption can contribute to dangerous levels of this mineral in the blood.

In addition, the natural sugar content of tangerines is a factor that people with diabetes or those who control their carbohydrate intake should consider. Although healthy in small amounts, excessive consumption could impact glucose levels.

For those who suffer from kidney problems, consulting a specialist is key to take advantage of the benefits of this fruit without compromising health.