Fungi in the armpits: what are they and why do they appear?

When things are not going as they should, our body takes it upon itself to give us some clues or signs of those problems. Fungi in the armpits is a good example of this, and you are probably wondering in what situations it usually appears.

The circumstances in which an infection causes the development of this problem are diverse, of varied origins. Knowing them will allow you to know what triggers this discomfort and what steps you should take to get rid of it.

Why does underarm fungus appear?

This skin disorder occurs as a result of the penetration of microorganisms under the skin of the armpit. It is a very common disorder, which can affect any human being and tends to be generated in the folds of the arms and legs.

During the summer, as we endure the high temperatures, our organism is much more likely to suffer from such infections. Even some of the bacteria that are necessary and important for us can suffer in the form of infection.

How to detect them?

Two of the fungal species that attack us are Trichophyton and Epidermophyton, and they are seen in the form of abscesses. Occasionally, you may have to live with itching or redness in the area. If all these symptoms coincide, fungus is probably present. You will have to fight it first by trying to keep the area aerated.

What therapies are available against them?

Seeing a dermatologist is another good idea, especially because he can find out which fungus is causing the irritation. Once this is discovered, he or she will be able to indicate a specific treatment for that species, reducing it to its minimum expression in a few days.

In the meantime, if you do not have time to go to a professional, you should wash your armpits with plenty of warm water and neutral soap. It is also important to let the skin dry by itself and not to do it with a towel. The friction could aggravate the inflammation.

What is strongly discouraged is to self-medicate. It is a bad decision that could bring you worse results. We recommend a deep and constant cleansing on your own, but by no means medicate on your own. Nor should we squeeze the abscesses on our own, as we can hurt ourselves and further infect the area.

Is there any effective medication?

In certain cases, topical application of a cream can speed up the elimination of the fungus. Miconazole is generally suggested, as it is an antifungal that stops the growth of fungi that cause body infections.