What does it mean when someone is speaking very fast in a conversation? Psychology explains it

speaking very fast

In today’s society, where the pace of life is hectic and being late seems to be part of the daily routine, many people tend to speak in a fast-paced manner. Speaking very fast is not necessarily a serious problem, but it can affect the quality of communication, making it difficult for listeners to grasp the … Read more

What does it mean feeling attracted to someone else while you are in a relationship, according to psychology?

Feeling attracted to someone

Feeling attracted to someone else while you are in a relationship can be a confusing experience and generate a lot of doubts. This phenomenon is common and does not necessarily mean that something is wrong in your relationship. Attraction to others can have various explanations and, in many cases, is a natural part of life … Read more

Here’s what happens to your kidneys if you eat tangerines every day, experts say


Tangerines are one of the most popular fruits, known for their refreshing taste and high vitamin C content. However, behind its healthy appearance, this fruit can bring unexpected consequences, especially if consumed in high quantities. How does the potassium in tangerines affect the kidneys? Tangerines are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, but they … Read more