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Wall Pilates: the best exercises to tone your legs at home

Wall Pilates

If you want to get in shape or start exercising but without the need for extreme fatigue, Pilates can be a good tool to work with. In addition, in recent months it has become very fashionable a way to practice pilates that attracts the interest of more and more people. This is the wall Pilates, with which you can among other benefits, tone the legs from exercises that are fairly simple to follow so if you want to know them, just have a wall to lean on and perform what we now tell you.

Wall Pilates exercises to tone legs

As you may already know, wall Pilates is a training method based on control, precision and breathing to strengthen muscles, improve posture and increase flexibility. Although there are specific machines to practice wall Pilates, you can also do exercises with your own body weight and the help of a wall.

The wall serves as support and resistance to perform slow and conscious movements that activate the center or core of the body, that is, the deep abdominal muscles, back and pelvic floor and depending on the exercise you do, as we now tell you, will also serve to tone legs.

Core activation

First of all, let’s start with this exercise that serves to activate the core of the body and tone the entire trunk and arms.

This exercise should be done three times, in sets of ten.

Leg Lift

This exercise is the best of all if your desire this summer is to tone legs. In addition, it is also good for the abdomen.

Inverted posture

Do you want to tone your glutes in addition to your legs? This is the best exercise:

Perform this exercise three times, in three sets of ten.

Supported Squat

Along with the legs, this other exercise also tones the buttocks.

Along with the exercises mentioned above, and that will help you to tone your legs and other parts of the body, we also want to recommend these. Easy to do and very beneficial for your body.

Lateral Stretch

This exercise serves to stretch the side of the body and improve not only the overall tone, but also for the mobility of the spine.

Supported push-up

Finally, this exercise works your arms, chest and shoulders.

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