Start your day right: Yoga teacher’s essential 10-minute morning routine perfect for beginners

You can follow this routine every day for a gentle stretch and a tension release

Yoga, routine

Woman doing yoga.

Dedicating 10 minutes to yourself can be a wonderful way to start every morning. If you’re new to yoga or looking for a way to relax and move your body, this short and gentle morning routine recommended by yoga instructor Kassandra Reinhardt is perfect. You don’t need any special equipment, props, or prior experience, just a little space to stretch.

This beginner-friendly sequence is designed to gently wake up your body, improve circulation, and calm your mind. The poses are simple yet effective, focusing on releasing tension in your legs, hips, chest, and back. Let’s see how to do it.

Start with yoga: follow this 10-minute morning routine

  1. Constructive rest: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Rest your arms at your sides, palms facing up. Take slow and deep breaths, letting your back gently press into the mat. Feel grounded and present as you begin to engage your core lightly.
  2. Ankle circles: Pull your right knee toward your chest, keeping your left leg extended on the mat. Rotate your right ankle in small circles, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Switch sides to awaken both legs and ankles.
  3. Reclined twist: Cross your right thigh over your body toward the left, letting your knee drop. Extend your right arm to the side and gaze in its direction. This twist gently stretches your spine and shoulders. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Bridge pose: With knees bent and feet on the mat, press your feet down as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. Engage your glutes and thighs, keeping your neck relaxed. Hold for a breath, then lower your hips slowly.
  5. Reclined figure 4 and Pigeon pose: Cross your right ankle over your left knee in a figure-4 shape. Gently pull your left knee toward your chest, feeling the stretch in your right hip. Release and extend your right leg upward, alternating between flexing and pointing your toes. Switch sides.
  6. Downward-facing dog: Come onto your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back, forming an inverted V shape. Keep your knees bent if needed and alternate bending one leg at a time. This energizing pose stretches your hamstrings, calves, and shoulders.
  7. Plank and cobra poses: Shift into Plank pose, with hands under your shoulders and body in a straight line. Lower down to your belly, then push your chest upward while keeping your elbows close to your sides.
  8. Child’s pose: Press back into Child’s pose by sitting on your heels and extending your arms forward. Rest your forehead on the mat, enjoying a gentle stretch for your back and hips.
  9. Seated neck stretches and twists: Sit cross-legged. Lower your left ear toward your left shoulder, stretching the right side of your neck. For a deeper stretch, extend your right arm out. Switch sides, then twist your torso gently to each side for a refreshing spinal rotation.
  10. Closing pose: Sit tall with your hands at your chest in a prayer position and breathe deeply.

With these simple stretches and poses, you can relieve tension, improve flexibility, and set a calm tone for your day. Start every morning with intention and notice how your energy, focus, and mood improve. In just 10 minutes, you can create a habit to carry positive energy into whatever lies ahead.

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