Skip the gym: This 20-minute wall pilates workout will quickly strengthen your core

Tone your glutes and improve posture with this workout that only needs a mat

Wall pilates, workout, core

Woman doing wall exercise.

Are you looking for a workout that uses nothing but a bare wall and a yoga mat? This 20-minute routine offers a full-body challenge that targets your core, tones your glutes, and improves your posture. It’s simple, fast, and totally equipment-free.

The workout is tough, but it pushes your muscles in all the right ways. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to shake up their fitness routine from home. Just clear a small space and lean against your wall, and in only 20 minutes, you’ll have a session that will leave you feeling strong and energized.

The 20-minute wall pilates routine

Before you start, note that every exercise lasts 40 seconds with a 15-second rest between moves.

    1. Leg lifts against the wall: Lie on your back with your torso flat. Place one foot against the wall while the other leg moves up and down. After you rest, switch sides
    2. Air circles: Lift one leg off the mat and draw small circles in the air. After 40 seconds, rest and then repeat with the other leg.
    3. Hip lifts with leg alternation: Move one leg slightly away from the wall. Alternate legs while lifting your hips gently.
    4. Floor-pressed hip raises: Lie down with both legs on the wall. Lift your hips and press your arms into the mat, then slowly lower them back down.
    5. Leg angle challenge: With your forearms on the floor and your chest lifted, position your legs at a 45-degree angle to the wall. Then, raise them to a 90-degree angle at hip height and repeat.
    6. Wall walking: Stay with your neck and arms on the ground while your hips and legs remain lifted, feet against the wall. Walk your feet along the wall up and down, alternating right and left.
    7. Floor-based hip lifts: In the same starting position, simply lift your hips up and down in a controlled manner.
    8. Quick hip pulses: Do rapid, short hip lifts without letting your body touch the mat.
    9. Side-to-head leg swings: Position yourself with one foot on the wall. Lift the free leg, swing it out to the side, return, and bring it towards your head. Repeat for the full duration and switch legs after your rest.
    10. Knee-bent hip pulses: With one foot against the wall and the other in the air at a 90-degree angle, lift your hips while spreading your legs at the top of each lift.
    11. Back-lying hip raises: Lie on your back with one foot on the wall and the other leg in the air. Lift your hips so that your free leg points upward, then lower back down steadily. Take the break and repeat the other side.
    12. Chest lifts against the wall: Lean against the wall with both legs and arms elevated. Engage your abs to lift your chest in a crunch-like motion.
    13. Side crunches: Do side crunches by first bringing your elbow to your knee, then touching your hand to your toe. Keep the movement on one side, then switch after the break.
    14. Modified downward dog: Get into a downward dog position facing away from the wall. Flex your knee to tap the wall. For a tougher version, press your hands into the floor and alternate knees toward your chest while your feet stay up on the wall.
    15. Chest lift: Lie face down with your calves against the wall. Press your hands into the floor, extend your elbows, and lift your chest up to work your upper back.

This wall pilates routine is an effective way to challenge your body without needing fancy equipment. While some moves require balance and strength, with practice, you’ll improve your core stability and endurance. If you have neck or back issues, adjust the exercises to suit your comfort level.

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