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25-Minute Weight Loss Routine: 13 Simple Exercises for Weight Loss

Weight loss routine

For those looking for an effective and fast way weight loss routine, we got all the keys. Often, lack of time is one of the biggest obstacles to committing to a workout routine. However, it is possible to achieve results with as little as 25 minutes a day. This routine includes 13 simple exercises that are ideal for burning calories and toning the body. By combining cardio and strength moves, this weight loss routine not only speeds up metabolism, but also improves endurance and overall fitness.

The great benefit of this 25-minute routine is its simplicity. You don’t need to have specialized equipment or a large space to perform it, which makes it a perfect option for those who prefer to train at home. In addition, each exercise is designed to maximize calorie burning, which contributes to an effective weight loss process. It is ideal for both beginners and people who already have some experience in the fitness world, as the intensity can be adjusted according to each person’s level.

25-Minute Weight-Loss Routine: 13 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight

According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , short workouts can be just as effective as long routines. In that study, women who incorporated short bursts of high-intensity exercise into their daily routine experienced a decrease in their body mass index and even detected a reduction in their obesity rates.

Thus, we would like to introduce you to this weight loss workout that is based on the concept of high intensity intervals, known as HIIT. By alternating between high and low intensity exercises, the body is forced to work harder and burn more fat in less time. Best of all, with 25 minutes a day, it’s possible to achieve your weight loss goals without having to spend hours in the gym – all you need is a little motivation and a space to move!

Jumps with knees to chest

Duration: 1 minute

This high-intensity cardio exercise will help you burn calories quickly. It engages the core and legs, improving endurance.


Duration: 1 minute

Squats are perfect for toning your glutes and thighs, two key areas for weight loss. Be sure to keep your back straight and feet firmly on the floor.

Jumping jacks


Jumping jacks can be a great warm up and cardio exercise, but are you doing them correctly? ❌ Avoid the common mistake where you’re limiting your range of motion with your arms and you keep your knees & feet pointing inward. Your weight mostly on your heels. ✅ The correct form is to keep your knees & feet pointing outward, use the full range of motion with the arms and activate your core for maximum impact.. 💪🏻 Your weight mostly on your toes. #JumpingJacks #WorkoutTips #fitnessgoals

♬ Boy’s a liar Pt. 2 – PinkPantheress & Ice Spice

Duration: 1 minute

A classic that never fails. Jumping jacks are great for activating the entire body, from arms to legs, and getting your heart rate up.


Duration: 1 minute

Strengthens core, arms and shoulders. Planks are great for toning the abdomen, a difficult area when trying to lose weight.


Duration: 1 minute

Burpees combine strength and cardio, making them one of the best exercises to burn fat fast.Their high intensity makes them essential in any weight loss routine.


Duration: 1 minute

Lunges are great for working the leg muscles and glutes.Being a functional movement, they also improve stability and balance.

Chest push-ups

Duration: 1 minute
This exercise works the chest, arms and shoulders.It’s ideal for toning the upper body while still burning calories. To do push-ups, get into a plank position with your hands aligned shoulder-width apart, lower your body by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor, then push up until you return to the starting position, keeping your body straight at all times.

Mountain climbers


How to make progress with your mountain climbers 🔥 Like & SAVE this tip for later ✅ #learnontiktok #gymtok #foryou #absworkout

♬ I See Colors – Disco Lines & Rain Radio

Duration: 1 minute

Mountain climbers are perfect for strengthening the core and improving cardiovascular endurance. As a high-intensity exercise, they help you lose weight quickly.

Lateral lunges

Duration: 1 minute

Lateral strides are a great way to work the side muscles of the legs and glutes.Keep a steady pace to maximize calorie burn.


Duration: 1 minute

This exercise strengthens the lower back, glutes and shoulders.It is ideal for improving posture and preventing injuries, especially if combined with a weight loss routine.This exercise is done by lying on your stomach with your arms extended forward and legs straight, simultaneously lifting your arms, chest and legs off the ground while contracting your back muscles and glutes, holding the position for a few seconds before lowering.

High Knees

Duration: 1 minute

This exercise is excellent for improving cardiovascular endurance. By raising your knees quickly, your body effectively burns calories. To do high knees, run in place raising the knees toward the chest alternately, keeping the back straight and core contracted while moving the arms in sync with the legs to increase intensity.

Gluteal Bridge

Duration: 1 minute

The glute bridge is ideal for toning and strengthening the lower body, focusing on the glutes and core. Maintain a strong contraction at the top of the movement for best results. To do the glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then raise your hips by contracting your glutes until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, hold for a few seconds and lower slowly.

Running in place

Duration: 1 minute

Finish the routine with this simple but effective exercise to get your heart rate up. Running in place is an easy way to burn the last calories of the day and speed up the weight loss process.

Structure of the routine: how to adjust the times

To ensure that the routine lasts the full 25 minutes, it’s important to include not only the exercises, but also breaks and other key elements such as warm-ups and stretches.Here’s how to arrange the timing:

With this time adjustment, the routine totals 25 minutes, combining effort, recovery and post-workout care. This structure ensures that you not only burn calories, but that you do so safely and efficiently in each session.

Benefits of a short but intense routine

It is often believed that to lose weight you need to spend hours training, but the reality is that short, high-intensity routines can be just as effective. By interval training, your body stays active even after you’ve finished exercising, a phenomenon known as the “afterburn effect.” This means that fat continues to be burned for several hours after the workout.

Plus, this 25-minute routine easily adapts to any lifestyle. Whether you work in an office or from home, you can always find a small gap in your day to perform these 13 simple exercises that will help you slim down in a healthy and effective way.

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