3 Exercises Jennifer Lopez Swears By for a Flat Belly, According to Her Trainer

Jennifer López flat belly excercises

Jennifer Lopez. (Getty)

The passage of time requires us to adopt more consistent habits for the care and strengthening of our body. Diet, adequate rest and physical activity are fundamental in the development of all the body’s systems. Celebrities, such as Jennifer López, have an intense and dynamic rhythm of life between their rehearsals, tours and shows that produce a great physical wear and tear. One way to achieve greater endurance, agility and coordination are the exercises that the actress and singer usually does to get a flat belly. According to her trainer, this allows her to obtain more strength, elasticity and power.

The Community of Madrid advises to lead an active life by improving health and well-being at any age, in addition to favoring healthy aging in adults. Authorities and specialists indicate that having an active life that includes physical exercise helps to prevent health problems. Among them, they highlight the importance of exercise in relieving stress, reducing anxiety symptoms and improving sleep quality. In turn, it reduces the risk of depression, helps control body weight, prevents muscle diseases and osteoporosis, and lowers blood pressure. “An exercise routine reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer. It also improves the evolution of some chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and obesity,” they say.

What exercise does Jennifer Lopez do to have a flat belly?

The famous singer, songwriter and actress, 55, shows a slim figure and a toned body thanks to an exercise routine prepared by her personal trainer David Kirsch in the form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Abdominal plank

One of the most outstanding exercises that Jennifer Lopez does according to her trainer is the plank to strengthen her arms. To the classic movement of resting the palms of the hands under the line of the shoulders, the actress increases the intensity and difficulty by supporting the weight of her body on two dumbbells. It is a movement that increases stability and coordination.

According to exercise physiologist Katie Lawton, from the Cleveland Clinic, this is an exercise that allows you to protect your back and strengthen the entire central area of the body that is involved in most of your daily activities.

In turn, Lawton maintains that the plank provides us with better core strength to be able to prepare us during movements such as squats, deadlifts and overhead weightlifting. Therefore, a correct spinal position is key and is achieved by working on plank sets.

What other exercises does Jennifer Lopez practice?

Abdominal crunches

Another exercise Jennifer Lopez does according to her trainer is crunches. David Kirsch points out that one variation that can help tone the abdomen is the knee raises to the chest.

She also tends to exercise more. Because in his routine usually includes series of oblique abdominal movements. The website Fisio Gestiona, specialized in sport and health, mentions that the internal oblique as the external are crossed muscles that as a girdle involved in the action of large muscle chains to stabilize the trunk and provide a foothold where the levers of arms and / or legs can develop strength.

What muscles are involved in the plank exercise?

The input and strengthening is achieved at a general level throughout your body. However, plank exercises work the core muscles. These are located between the pelvic floor and the diaphragm, also known as the trunk. And it leaves you with a flat belly.

“These are the muscles that support the movements and stabilize the spine,” explains the clinic’s professional. The core muscles are made up of the rectus abdominis (called the “abs”), obliques (the side of the abdomen) and transverse abdominis (a deep abdominal muscle that wraps around the sides and spine).

The physiologist says that plank exercises generally strengthen the ability to tighten the abdominals and can activate other related muscles such as the glutes (buttock muscles), hamstrings (muscles in the back of the thighs) and lower back.

The benefits of HIIT training for the abdomen

The Concepción University emphasizes that high intensity interval training provides a series of benefits that favor the integral care of your body.

It is a modality that favors the increase of maximum oxygen consumption, stabilizes blood pressure, decreases the lipid profile and improves cardiac function and morphology. In turn, it generates decreased blood glucose levels, improved insulin sensitivity and decreased visceral fat.

“HIIT training improves aerobic capacity, endothelial function, mental health and sleep quality,” emphasize the authorities of the academic institution. They also mention that actions should be taken into account to minimize risks and to carry out a progressive routine.

In this sense, they emphasize that training should begin at low intensities and then increase. It is necessary an individualized scheme, each routine is specific for each person according to their capabilities, variety and optimal relationship between work and rest.

In summary, the exercises that Jennifer Lopez does according to her trainer focus on plank routines, abdominal crunches with knee raises to the chest and obliques to obtain greater resistance, coordination and strength.

How to do sit-ups right

According to Nike, there are different variations of crunches. First, we start with the original abdominal crunch.

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