Psychologists ask us to start saying “No” to these 3 things if we want to help our children


Any parent always wants the best for his or her children, but does not always have the best tools to achieve it. Due to lack of time or information, sometimes we do not know what is the best way to encourage their personal development. In this context, the best we can do is to rely on psychologists and experts.

Within the difficulties involved in raising children, there is some basic advice that we can follow. For example, psychology has pointed out those phrases that we should never say to them. Now they have focused on indicating the three things we should say “no” to.

Setting limits for children is fundamental to help them in their personal development. In addition, if you start to set these series of habits you will make them much more responsible and emotionally independent.

Psychologists point out the limits we should set for our children

According to child development psychologists, avoiding certain practices not only protects children’s development, but also helps foster their learning and development in the future:

Don’t solve all of your children’s problems

Although it is natural to want to help children in difficult situations, constantly intervening can prevent them from developing problem-solving skills and autonomy.

According to psychologist Paula Cañeque on her website, this learning is key for them to learn to solve more serious problems in the future. Therefore, one key is to allow them to acquire responsibilities.

When children face challenges and seek solutions on their own, they develop skills such as decision-making, resilience and confidence in their own abilities. For example, allowing them to manage a small disagreement with a friend teaches them empathy and negotiation skills.

Don’t let them stay in front of the screen all day long

Screens have become a constant in children’s lives. From tablets to cell phones, their access to these devices is almost unlimited. Although these tools can be educational and entertaining, their excessive use has negative consequences.

It is essential to establish clear boundaries. A good practice is to designate technology-free zones or times at home. For example, during meals or before bedtime. In addition, promoting alternative activities such as sports, outdoor games or crafts helps to maintain a healthy balance in their routine.

Don’t let them eat whatever they want

The eating habits children adopt in childhood have an impact on their physical and emotional health. Allowing excessive consumption of processed, sugary or high-fat foods can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes and low self-esteem.

A good solution is to involve them in meal preparation, so they learn about nutrition. In addition, this is an effective way for them to lose their fear of trying new foods and flavors they are not used to.

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