Surgeon reveals: do this before and after Christmas meals to avoid problems

Holidays meals

The Christmas holidays are an excellent occasion to gather with family, friends and colleagues to celebrate around a table with exquisite meals. It is a time to enjoy, reflect, rest and take a break to review all the moments that have passed during the year. One of the central issues that you should keep in mind is what to do so that Christmas meals feel good. Therefore, remember that you can enjoy and have fun, but it is also key not to overdo it to take care of your health and physical condition.

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya confirms that lunches and dinners are the centerpiece of family and social gatherings during the December holidays. In that sense, they also warn that they are also excessive, high in calories and glycemia. “Such conditions can produce acidity, stomach discomfort, indigestion and weight gain.” Therefore, you should take on holiday preparations with fun and joy, as well as preserve better protection of your body to avoid and prevent indigestion. You probably want every gathering to be a cause for gathering and celebration, as no one wants to go to a health center to be treated while others gather to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. By keeping in mind what to do to make holiday meals feel better, you can plan for the holidays with greater confidence.

A doctor’s tips for Christmas meals

Surgeon Jeremy London advises in his TikTok account several factors that can help you take care of yourself during the Christmas celebrations. In that sense, Dr. London indicates that one of the actions is to start the day with some activity such as running 5 km, and walking between 30 and 45 minutes before meals.

Then, when it is time to sit at the table, he recommends that you try to start your meal with protein and fiber as they will fill you up quickly. In addition, he indicates that you should eat until you are 80% full.

Walking after holiday meals

“After the meal it’s okay to take a 10 to 15 minute walk with family or friends, it will help keep your glucose levels nice and steady,” says Dr. Jeremy London. As for alcohol consumption, “less is more and more is less.”

How do we make holiday meals feel good?

A team of professionals from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya gives recommendations on what to do so that Christmas meals do not cause heaviness and avoid indigestion.

One of the suggestions is not to skip meals to avoid arriving at dinner hungry. It is important to eat a good breakfast the same day of the Christmas celebration, since skipping meals generates greater possibilities of binge eating, gastrointestinal discomfort and dyspepsia.

At the same time, the proportions and portions of your plate are important. Therefore, try to make half a plate full of vegetables and fruits, a quarter of healthy carbohydrates and a quarter of quality protein (fish, poultry, legumes or nuts).

The celebration is usually a gathering of festive atmosphere, music and fun. It often happens that the weather and the context produce excesses in food and beverages. Therefore, another tip is to eat calmly and chew food well.

According to professionals from the academic institution of Catalonia, you should take advantage of the time between courses to chat. “This will give time for satiety signals to reach the brain, those hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract that inhibit appetite.”

Increases the consumption of fruits and vegetables

The San Felipe Clinic also develops a series of guidelines that allow you to enjoy Christmas meals without complications or stomach discomfort. One is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to help you purify and eat foods low in calories, but with a high percentage of nutrients and fiber.


The state of mind plays a central role in how we go through the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Whether due to the death of a loved one, family or work crises, it is very common to experience moments of anxiety, anguish and stress.

Therefore, it is important to plan in advance what you should do and not leave everything to the last minute. At the same time, it is important to generate a division of tasks, commitments and responsibilities so as not to overload yourself with all the preparations.

Surround yourself with the best people

When choosing with whom to share the holidays, surrounding yourself with people who make you happy is essential to feel comfortable and to be able to value the positive moments over the negative and difficult situations you faced during the year.

If you know what to do to make holiday meals feel good, remember to put it into practice to make your celebrations safe and fun.

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