How to eat healthy in New York without going broke (and yes you can eat pizza just once)

HoneyBrains bowls. @Honey_brain

It is New York. With no time and the constant urge of catching up with everything and
everybody, it is easy to go sidewalks when it is time to eat healthy. If you are a New Yorker,
you are in the city just for a few days or just because… here there are 5 places for eating
healthy in the city on a budget, meaning you do not have to go broke, and still enjoy New
York while you are having fun going out and about. You do not have to go either full
plant-based or getting your calories out of a carrot juice. Bonus: yes, you can enjoy also a
slice of pizza just once or even twice. Some of them, like Le Botaniste, even count the
calories for every dish, so you do not need to keep tracking of what you eat.


Price: $
Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Tip: You can also order online for pickup or delivery.


Noho (372 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012)

Honeybrains at Saks (611 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10022)

Flatiron (34 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10010)

PlantMade (Old Bar Verde)

Price: $$
Lunch and dinner. Mexican and Italian flavors. Kosher certificate by Rabbi Zev Schwartz.



Lower East Side (65 2nd Ave and 4th street)

Le Botaniste
Le Botaniste @lebotaniste

Le Botaniste

Price: $$
Lunch, dinner and catering.

Tip: The restaurant offers the Botanical Therapy option. Three half portion sizes of three
bowls of your choice. It is a great location for a date or for an event.


Upper East Side (833 Lexington Ave, NY 10065)

Upper West Side (156 Columbus Ave, NY 10023)

Soho (666 3rd Avenue, NY 10017)

Midtown (11 W 42nd street, NY 10036)

Korea Town (154 W 32nd street, NY 10001)

Spicy Moon

Price: $$

Lunch, dinner and catering. Vegan.

Tip: Classic Sichuan dishes with a vegan twist.


Lower East Side (265 Bowery, NY 10002)

West Village (68 W 3rd, NY 10012)

East Village (328 E 6th St, NY 100037)

Chelsea (232 8th Ave, NY 10011)

ABC Kitchen

Price: $$$$

Winter restaurant week – January 21 – February 9. Lunch and dinner.

Two-course lunch $45
Three-course dinner $60

 Two-course lunch

First course:

Second course:

Three-course dinner

First course:

Second course:

Third course:

Tip: The kitchen is run by Jean-Georges Vongerichten, one of the world’s most famous
chefs. Try to make it during Winter Restaurant Week (January 21 – February 9). You can
have a full meal for $45 plus tip, usually 20% in New York.


Union Square (35 East 18th Street, New York, NY 10003)

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