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Wine or beer: science clarifies which is the better choice if you want to slim down


Losing weight is not an easy task for those who do not intend it to be a change of habits and only look for immediate results. Changing eating habits should be the proposal when thinking about losing weight in a healthy and appropriate way to avoid permanent damage to the body. Know some of the answers to the most common questions, such as whether wine or beer is better for weight loss, because the doubt remains and many people may be wrong.

In a proposal for a change of habits, what is most emphasized is the attempt to change those habits that harm our health and make us gain weight: not only food, but also a sedentary lifestyle, excesses, and above all, lack of physical exercise to help us to be healthy. What is clear is that if you overdo it with alcohol, this will be detrimental to your health, as well as caloric; if you are a sports fanatic, if you do not recompose what you have spent, your body will weaken, no matter how much muscle you can develop. The important thing is to find the right balance, as well as learning to know what is best in each particular case.

Which is better for weight loss, wine or beer?

In general, alcoholic beverages are a source of empty calories (which according to the Spanish Institute of Lifestyle Medicine are those “found in those foods that provide a lot of energy but very few or scarce nutrients. That is, those that provide a lot of calories but with a low proportion of fiber, minerals, vitamins and other essential elements of the diet”).

Regarding which type of alcohol is convenient, wine or beer, the first thing to take into account is the caloric aspect: a glass of 150 ml of white or red wine provides between 120 and 130 calories; while industrial beer (in a portion of 350 ml) has between 150 and 200 calories. In other words, according to the amount of calories, wine is significantly less caloric than beer.

However, the difference between the two types of alcohol could also be in how the body metabolizes alcohol. Research has shown that red wine can be beneficial for metabolic health, as it has antioxidants, which are beneficial for reducing inflammation and insulin sensitivity.

Beer, on the other hand, tends to promote the development of a belly, as it contains carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain, although this happens if it is consumed in excess and accompanied by unhealthy foods.

Wine is usually chosen as the companion of some dishes, such as red meat in the case of red wine and fish and seafood in the case of white wine. While beer is usually accompanied by ultra-processed foods such as potatoes, pizzas or hamburgers.

This means that, in addition to influencing itself, it also influences the foods we choose, making it essential to change our habits. And this makes us put on more weight.

Conclusions: what is better if we want to lose weight: wine or beer?

While wine is less caloric, has antioxidant properties and is paired with foods that can be very beneficial for the body in general; beer is ideal to accompany snacks, contains carbohydrates, and is more caloric than wine, but the important thing is the amount we consume.

“Medical experts recommend that anyone who drinks should do so in moderation. This means consuming no more than 1 alcoholic drink a day in the case of women and no more than 2 drinks a day in the case of men”, states the portal specialized in health issues Medline Plus.

In that sense, moderation in consumption is the key not only to achieve a reasonable caloric intake, according to your body and your goals, but also because excess alcohol can slow down the metabolic process, as well as increase fat retention, in addition to dehydrate the body and take away water for fundamental processes in its functioning.

In short, if you are going to consume alcohol, it is preferable to drink wine in moderation rather than beer, but you should keep in mind that the best option will always be only the consumption of water in comprehensive plans to lose weight.

It is important to remember that each person is unique, and before initiating any significant change in lifestyle, it is advisable to consult with a health professional to adapt the method to individual needs. Keep these tips in mind especially when it comes to choosing such beverages that, although each has ingredients that can be healthy, doctors no longer recommend a base of either.

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