Coffee is that almost magical drink consumed by millions of people around the world, waking up with the smell of a good coffee, finishing a meal to enjoy it or relaxing in the afternoon with a cup, science already knows when is the best time to drink coffee. In order to enjoy the beneficial effects of coffee that should not interfere at any time on our health, nothing better than to listen to the experts. Although each person is different and creating schedules for pleasure is not too recommendable, take note of the exact time to drink coffee according to science.
This is the exact time you should drink coffee according to science
According to science, two cups of good coffee a day reduce the risk of heart failure by up to 30%. This source of natural antioxidants is also a good laxative which will help us to regulate our body throughout the day. Whether to drink coffee first thing in the morning or in the afternoon, each person is different, although we must take into account what the experts say about the time to drink coffee.

Circadian rhythms mark the energetic points of each person during the day, each person applies them differently. We can be in great shape in the morning, or not be able to feel good until the sun rises, there are people who can do anything at night and never get to bedtime and others who are sleepy as soon as they get home. These rhythms depend on each person, even if we want to get up early or go to bed early, it may be an impossible task if our body follows rhythms opposite to our desires.
But beyond each person, there are optimal times of the day for a coffee. Whether you are an early riser or not, between 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning is the time for the first coffee. It is recommended to wait about 2 hours after getting up to have the first coffee. The following times, will be between 12 or 16 in the afternoon and if we want in the afternoon from 18 to 19, although after 12 noon could affect our night’s sleep or nap.
Take note of this schedule and enjoy the benefits of coffee to the maximum. If you follow the rhythm of your body and choose to give it the best, you will notice immediately that perhaps according to science you have been drinking coffee at the wrong time.